CLA-VAL 85-18 : Excess Downstream Pressure Shut-Off Valve - Cla-Val

CLA-VAL 85-18 : Excess Downstream Pressure Shut-Off Valve

CLA-VAL 85-18 : Excess Downstream Pressure Shut-Off Valve

The CLA-VAL 85-18 is typically installed to protect the downstream system against the sudden rise of pressure. If the maximum preset pressure is reached, the valve closes. Below the preset pressure, the valve remains fully open. 

The CLA-VAL 85-18 is typically installed to prevent water losses and/or pressure damages in case of pressure rising. In some applications pressure could also be sensed from any auxiliary pressure source.

Included accessories : 

  • Isolation valves 3/8" (upstream and downstream)

Optional accessories : 

  • Stem position indicator [X101]
  • Pressure gauge [0-8 bar] & [0-16 bar]


Marketing Sheet

Technical Sheet