News and Views - Cla-Val


CLA-VAL are supporting training at the Severn Trent Water academy as part of a joint project with Imperial college to implement dynamically adaptive (Multi-Feed) networks.
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CLA-VAL collaborates with Severn Trent on Dynamic DMA project CLA-VAL collaboration with Severn Trent Water and Imperial college to investigate the potential for Dynamic DMA’s. Severn Trent Water have identified a control zone of single feed DMA’s with potential to benefit from increased connectivity (dynamic DMA’s). To assist with this task, CLA-VAL and Severn Trent Water have jointly sponsored a PhD student from Imperial college to support their modelling department with identifying candidate dynamic DMA zones.
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Intelligent Dynamic Boundary Control United Utilities needed a robust and resilient solution to support a single feed pressure managed network during high demand periods and to ensure that water quality was not compromised. Working closely with United Utilities and ATi, CLA-VAL developed a turn-key solution which carefuly controls the transfer of water across a DMA boundary during high demand periods with control measures to maintain water quality compliance.
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